6 vitamins essential for eye health

Our eyes are our windows to the world, so eye health is essential to perceive the world in all its glory. Adequate care for the eyes involves basic lifestyle changes like limiting your eyes’ exposure to electronic devices, cleansing them regularly, and going for frequent eye checkups. However, giving your body adequate vitamins through supplements and food is essential for long-term eye health. Here are some vitamins crucial for better eye care: Vitamin C Vitamin C plays an integral role in protecting the eyes from damage caused by UV rays. It also helps form collagen, a protein contributing to eye structure retention, reducing one’s susceptibility to macular degeneration caused by aging. Vitamin C may be found in various food sources, including corn, citrus fruits, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Vitamin A Vitamin A activates rhodopsin, a photopigment enabling better vision at night. So, vitamin A deficiency leads to inadequate production of rhodopsin, causing night blindness and, in severe cases, the onset of xerophthalmia. The vitamin also helps maintain a clear cornea. One of the most recommended foods to replenish the body with vitamin A is carrots, as they contain high levels of beta-carotene that gets converted into vitamin A in the body.