Key things to know about lactose-free milk

Lactose and gluten are the new buzzwords in the health market. Despite their popularity, many people still need clarification on what the terminologies mean and their ramifications on specific health conditions. Also, since digestive problems are rising, there has been significant research and development in food alternatives. This article explores one of the most popular alternatives, i.e., lactose-free milk – and why it may be a sound choice for many. What is lactose-free milk? Many people experience abdominal issues such as bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain after consuming regular milk. This health condition is known as lactose intolerance. It occurs due to the sugar ‘lactose’ found in dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream, which can be difficult to digest. It may be caused due to genetic factors or due to illness or injury to the small intestine. As a solution to this, companies began producing lactose-free milk, that is, regular milk without lactose. Most lactose-free milk contains 0.1% or less of lactose. This is achieved by processing milk to remove most of its lactose content and adding lactase to cow’s milk. Lactase helps break down lactose content in the body, making it easier for people to consume and digest milk.