5 early warning signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

5 early warning signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain. This condition requires early diagnosis for effective management and treatment. Therefore, identifying the initial signs of ALS can make a substantial difference for one with ALS. Here are some of the early warning signs of ALS that individuals, along with their caregivers and healthcare providers, should remain vigilant about. Muscle twitches and cramps ALS often presents with persistent muscle twitches, which are medically termed fasciculations. These involuntary contractions manifest as visible or palpable ripples beneath the skin’s surface. Additionally, individuals may experience muscle cramps, which are sudden and painful contractions occurring even at rest. These twitches and cramps can be caused due to various reasons. However, if these are persistent and prolonged occurrences, one should immediately consult a health practitioner. Increased muscle stiffness and spasticity In some cases, an individual may experience muscle stiffness and spasticity. This can lead to a sensation of tightness or rigidity in the affected muscles. In addition, this may result in involuntary contractions or spasms, which can be uncomfortable or painful. This symptom can further contribute to mobility difficulties and may necessitate specialized care and interventions.

Blood clots – Signs and foods to eat

Blood clots – Signs and foods to eat
The human body has a complex network of veins and arteries that transport blood to different parts. It is a crucial function because blood contains oxygen and essential nutrients to keep a person healthy. Sometimes, clots can form in the veins and arteries, restricting blood flow and leading to severe complications. When this happens, doctors may recommend treatments, foods, and lifestyle changes to eliminate such clots and improve blood circulation. Signs of blood clots Identifying blood clots in time is vital to prevent the condition from worsening. Here are the signs to look out for: Swelling A swelling in the legs, arms, or other body parts that does not go away may be a sign of a blood clot. Pain or tenderness Pain or tenderness in the affected area may also be a warning sign. The pain may be localized or spread over a larger area. Warmth or redness Blood clots can cause warmth or redness in the affected area, which should not be ignored. Shortness of breath Blood clots in the lungs may cause shortness of breath, chest pain, and coughing. Dizziness or confusion Clots in the brain can cause dizziness, confusion, and difficulty speaking or understanding. Foods to manage blood clots Besides using the proper treatment, one may add the following foods to their meals to manage the condition after consulting a health expert:

6 symptoms of esophageal cancer to pay attention to

6 symptoms of esophageal cancer to pay attention to
Esophageal cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the esophagus. The mutation usually begins in the cells that line the inside of the esophagus and could develop anywhere in this tube. Various treatments and natural remedies could help in managing the condition. However, one must visit a healthcare professional to diagnose cancer early and ensure the best treatment results. Understanding the warning signs of the condition is essential for early diagnosis and management. Trouble swallowing Sometimes people may have dysphagia, which is trouble with swallowing. And these symptoms may often be misdiagnosed as other health conditions, such as eosinophilic esophagitis – an inflammation of the esophagus caused by a specific white blood cell. However, difficulty with swallowing might also occur due to the growth of cancer cells in the esophagus. The trouble might be mild at first but worsen as cancer grows and the opening inside the esophagus gets smaller. Pain in the chest Pain or discomfort in the middle region or a burning, pressurized-like sensation on the chest is often associated with conditions like heartburn. But discomfort in the chest may also be a symptom of the development of esophageal cancer. Therefore, someone who experiences this sign should get an expert’s opinion immediately.

12 common signs and symptoms of pneumonia

12 common signs and symptoms of pneumonia
Pneumonia is a severe respiratory infection with a wide range of symptoms, some of which can be quite subtle, particularly in the early stages. Most commonly caused by infection from pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, pneumonia can also be caused by chemical irritants, autoimmune disease, and environmental factors. Here are 12 of the most common signs and symptoms of pneumonia. However, these subtle signs can vary from person to person. Mild fever A low-grade fever, typically below 100.4°F, may be one of the first signs of pneumonia. It can be easy to dismiss as a minor illness. Fatigue Feeling unusually tired or run down, even with sufficient rest, may be an early sign of pneumonia. Dry cough A persistent, dry cough that doesn’t produce mucus initially is a common symptom of pneumonia. Shortness of breath Some patients may experience mild breathlessness or difficulty catching the breath, especially during physical activities. Chest discomfort Some individuals may experience mild chest discomfort or a vague feeling of tightness or pressure in the chest, which can be confused with other issues like muscle strain. Loss of appetite A decreased desire to eat or a sudden loss of appetite may indicate pneumonia. Slight chills Experiencing occasional mild chills or shivering, especially if it accompanies a low-grade fever, can be an early symptom of pneumonia.

3 home remedies to relieve joint pain in dogs

3 home remedies to relieve joint pain in dogs
Like us humans, dogs experience pain and weakness in their joints as they age. Conditions like arthritis become increasingly common and harrowing if pet owners do not address the issue immediately. Therefore, individuals must give dogs the care they need to improve their quality of life. One does not have to make frequent vet visits to achieve this goal. Several remedies can help manage a dog’s joint pain at home. Hydrotherapy Pool-based exercises and physical movement are great for reducing the pain dogs experience when they have conditions like arthritis. Low-impact routines help strengthen a dog’s joints, keep the muscles around the joints toned and fit, and enhance a dog’s mobility. Underwater exercises are also helpful as they improve muscle mass and joint structure without stressing the joints too much. These exercises also reduce the impact of injuries and pain. When using hydrotherapy, one must ensure their pets are safe. Dog owners must also check the temperature of the water. Cold water tends to make a dog’s joints and muscles stiffen up, so it must be avoided as much as possible. Massages Exercising is a good way to reduce the joint pain dogs experience as they age. However, pets need to warm up their muscles and loosen any stiffness in their joints before exercising.

Watch out for these 5 warning signs of Parkinson’s disease

Watch out for these 5 warning signs of Parkinson’s disease
A debilitating neurological disorder, Parkinson’s disease, affects the nervous system. It is generally observed among those above the age of 60 years. In some cases, people below 50 also develop an early onset of the disease. It is common among those with a family history of the condition. Over time, the effect on the nervous system becomes apparent through several symptoms. There are warning signs of Parkinson’s that should not be ignored, which can help seek diagnosis and treatment. Temors in the hands This is one of the most noticeable warning signs of Parkinson’s. It is also known as rhythmic shaking. The tremors or shaking start to occur in the limbs of the hands or fingers. Sometimes, there is a pill-rolling tremor that causes a person to rub their thumb and forefinger against each other. The handwriting grows smaller It is normal for handwriting to change with age. However, Parkinson’s causes a person’s handwriting to become smaller, making it illegible over time. The words appear crowded, or the lines are not straight. This condition caused by Parkinson’s is also known as micrographia. The movements become slow Parkinson’s progresses over time to cause a person’s movements to become slower. They start to walk slower than their regular speed.


Top 4 Dyson vacuum cleaners of 2021

Top 4 Dyson vacuum cleaners of 2021

Dyson is a brand that has developed and launched several cordless vacuum cleaners significantly better than its competitors. But because there are so many different models from the renowned brand, it becomes challenging to pick the right one. So we’ve put together a list of four top-of-the-line, cordless vacuums from Dyson available on Amazon to help narrow down on one that best suits your needs. Dyson V15 Detect The Dyson V15 Detect is equipped with unbelievable suction power, run time, and other features to deep clean an entire home. It also comes with a laser that can reveal microscopic dust particles. One of Dyson’s latest cordless vacuum cleaners, the V15 Detect, sports an LCD screen that displays proof of the deep clean. You can find this product for $899.99 today. Dyson V11 Torque Drive While it is a predecessor to the Dyson V15, Dyson V11 Torque Drive was the earlier champion of Dyson’s range of cordless vacuum cleaners. At $757.95, the V11 can automatically adapt power and run times based on the structure of your home. It also offers 5 Dyson engineered tools to help with cleaning the house and even the car. The Dyson V11 Torque Drive features include its ability to pick up pet hair, which is an amazing positive if you have a pet at home.
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Top 5 lipsticks of 2021

Top 5 lipsticks of 2021

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a makeup queen or one that wears only the bare minimum, you can never leave out lipsticks. In fact, most of us always carry our favorite lipstick wherever we go. Nonetheless, if you haven’t found “the one” or are looking for different shades, here are the five best lipsticks you need to check out. Charlotte Tilbury K.i.s.s.i.n.g. Lipstick This product is all you need for luminous, bold, and perfect lips. Its wax formula makes the lipstick glide on your lips while keeping them hydrated. It is infused with natural ingredients that help fight UV damage and oxidative stress, leaving your lips supple and soft. Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick With its unique arrow-shaped applicator, applying lipstick becomes almost effortless. It lasts for up to 16 hours and is available in over 35 amazing colors. This bold matte lipstick can be removed seamlessly using Maybelline’s SuperStay Eraser lipstick remover. It is available in various online and offline stores for only $9.49. L’Oréal Paris Colour Riche Satin Lipstick This $6 lipstick is surprisingly one of the best ones out of the lot. It is affordable and comes in over 52 fabulous shades across four color families – red, berry, pink and nude.
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