6 tips to ensure safe internet browsing for seniors

The internet is one of the richest information sources and a platform to enjoy content. However, the flip side to the net is that there are too many ways one could fall prey to scammers, hackers, or viruses. While it could happen to anyone, seniors who do not fully understand the internet might be at a greater risk of getting scammed. Here are five tips to help safeguard everyone’s interest, including seniors, while navigating the internet. Avoid unsecured transactions While the internet has made paying for things much easier, one should never do this on a public, unsecured network. Sometimes, scammers intentionally create these networks to gain access to all the sensitive information a user has on their device. Update systems regularly Hackers constantly look for loopholes to access user data. This is why manufacturers work around the clock to patch these weak points and strengthen a device’s security. Therefore, it is essential to update each device regularly to keep it safe from cyber threats. Do not click on unfamiliar email links If one receives an email from an unfamiliar address, one should not open or click links in its contents. These links could secretly install malware on an electronic device, such as a computer, and damage it.