4 useful tips to prevent home title theft

It can be scary if one’s title is stolen by transferring the title without consent. This is known as home title theft and is categorized under identity theft. Home title theft, or deed theft, is done by surreptitiously stealing a homeowner’s personal and private information. Scammers usually target properties with high equity or those belonging to vulnerable groups, such as seniors. Defending oneself and preventing home title theft by following simple tips is possible. Here are a few useful tips to follow: 1. Pay attention to incoming mails Scammers often change the address on bills and other important mail to hide their crime. This change-of-address scam buys more time to make more money on the property. Therefore, one might stop receiving important mail and bills. So monitor bills received through postal mail as well as email. 2. Monitor credit reports to detect identity theft Reviewing one’s credit reports can help detect suspicious activities such as unauthorized changes to pre-existing accounts or opening new accounts by stealing identities. One can take advantage of the annual free credit report that shows the credit score across all three top credit reporting agencies. 3. C heck the status of the property deed It is recommended to check the home title deed regularly.