6 signs that indicate a lung disease

Lung diseases might be difficult to manage if not diagnosed early. One such condition is MAC lung disease—an infection causing cough and fever, among other symptoms. On the other hand, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma are both lung issues associated with swelling in the airways. Recognizing the warning signs of such respiratory issues can help one get an early diagnosis. So, here are some symptoms of lung diseases that require immediate attention: Chronic cough A chronic cough refers to a cough which has been prevalent for eight weeks or longer. This persistent coughing could be a sign that there is some underlying respiratory issue that needs immediate attention and treatment. Shortness of breath This is common if one is involved in some strenuous activity like exercising, which increases the heart rate. If one is experiencing labored breathing even in everyday normal activities, it is not a healthy sign. There could indicate other things like diaphragm not having enough space to contract and expand or an infection. It is better to not ignore this sign as just something temporary. Chronic mucus production Phlegm or sputum is the body’s way of dealing with an infection or an allergic reaction. It is known to be produced by the airways to help prevent allergens from entering or other environmental pollutants, which could be harmful to the lungs.