5 tips for helping children learn good online etiquette

Today, children are exposed to the Internet pretty early on, so it is important to help them embrace this technology with responsibility. There are pros and cons to introducing the Internet to young minds. However, teaching them how to navigate the online world and learn appropriate online etiquette can help keep them safe. They should also learn how to be responsible to make better decisions online and avoid misusing devices. Make online profiles private If a child is using a social media platform, it is important for caregivers to go through these sites to understand how they work. Part of this is learning about the privacy policy of the platform. Here, it is important to teach the child to keep their personal informal private and limit their online interaction to the people that they know. Strangers should not be allowed access to the child’s profile, and any friend or follow requests should simply be denied. Use strong passwords It is crucial for children to know how to set a strong password for their profile so that their account does not get hacked. They should also change the password regularly to keep the account safe from unauthorized access and keep personal information private.