3 key aspects of burial insurance

While deaths and funerals are a sensitive and challenging topic, it is essential for one to be aware of burial insurance. As the name suggests, this insurance policy is designed to cover the expenses of an individual’s burial (or cremation), thereby reducing some financial burden on the person’s family and loved ones. Before proceeding to purchase a burial insurance policy, there are certain aspects that one must know about, such as the points given below. The types of policies There are three popular insurance plans that offer coverage for the costs of burials, cremations, and funeral services. These are: Simplified issue life insurance To secure this policy, one need not undergo a medical exam; however, they would need to answer certain questions about their health. If the individual has any pre-existing conditions or participates in life-endangering activities, they may not get approval for the policy. Guaranteed issue life insurance Securing this policy does not require any screening examinations or answering questions. If the applicant’s age falls into the specified age limit, which is usually between 50 to 85 years, they will get approved for the policy. However, this policy comes with higher expenses. Pre-need insurance Funeral homes usually sell a pre-need insurance policy, so the sum from it can be directed to cover the funeral service costs of the individual right away.