5 common skincare mistakes that can lead to premature aging

Many people put in a lot of effort and time to achieve and maintain youthful skin. But despite using the most expensive products and treatments, they often notice the sudden appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, or fine lines. It could be due to several reasons. Below we have listed a few common mistakes you could be making in your daily skincare routine, which usually lead to premature skin aging and other skin problems. Venturing out without a sunscreen Going out in the sun without sunscreen can lead to many problems. The sun’s UV rays can damage your skin and cause it to become dry, increasing the risk of premature wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and rough skin. Therefore, it is essential to wear quality sunscreen before leaving the house during the day. You must follow this practice throughout the year, irrespective of the month, season, or weather. When purchasing sunscreen, do not choose the first option you see or consider random brands with unknown ingredients. Ideally, the product should have minerals like zinc for the best results. Also, do not forget to reapply sunscreen whenever required. Not washing your face before bed This is a crucial part of the everyday skincare routine, but people often forget about it or are too lazy to follow it religiously.