4 tips to buy grass-fed organic steak

Meat is a major source of protein throughout the country. Whether it’s a steak for a special celebration or a lovely pasta dish, beef is a staple in most households. Given its mass consumption, it is incredibly important to consider its quality and where it comes from, as these factors can significantly impact one’s health. So, one can follow these tips to buy good-quality organic grass-fed steak to ensure one consumes good-quality protein. Research well and check the labels Before heading out to shop for steak, spend a little time researching the various industrial terms commonly used on labels. Some of these include pasture-raised, pastured, grass-fed, organic, etc. For grass-fed beef, it is best to ask the local butcher about the cow’s lifestyle or look for the American Grassfed Association’s logo, which indicates that the animals were reared humanely. To meet the organic standard requirement, the farm must meet special USDA standards, such as giving organic feed to the cows and steering clear of hormones or genetically-modified feed. Buy from local butcher shops Buyers can get better-quality beef from local butcher shops and small farmers who sell directly to consumers. To find these suppliers, check out farmer’s markets in the area.