5 lawn care tips to maintain a lush green yard

Lawn care and gardening can be hands-on jobs. It is not enough to simply plant some seeds, water the lawn a few times, and expect the best results. You can maintain a lush green lawn, but you need to be patient. Right from the first day of planting the grass to pursuing regular mowing, weed trimming, and every other activity, you need to put in the work. Here are a few useful tips to make lawn care easier for you. Seeds or sod, both work! You can buy grass seeds that are bioengineered to suit a particular climate. For the best results, consider using seasonal seeds. However, this is a time-consuming process. It takes a couple of months to grow a full lush green lawn. A quicker alternative is to consider a more expensive but quick sod plantation. You can also install pre-grown garden patches to quickly transform the layout. Either way, you end up with a lush green garden. Leaves cleanup and weed trimming Go easy on the cleanup, as natural leaves can help the soil fertilize and retain nutrients to improve grass quality. Get rid of unwanted debris and dried leaves with a mower instead of using a heavy rake.