5 effective ways to clean carpets at home

Cleaning the walls and dusting furniture are essential aspects of home cleaning, but the carpet is one surface on which considerable dust accumulates over time, and cleaning it becomes a challenging task. And contrary to popular belief, carpet cleaning can be a hassle-free process if one follows the right strategies and is aware of certain quick cleaning hacks. This article provides insight into some easy ways to clean a carpet: Clean using basic household products The “solutions” to a spotless carpet are mostly readily available at one’s home. A mixture of club soda and vinegar or baking soda, borax, and cornstarch can do wonders for your carpet, leaving it stain-free and tidy. One may also use steam vapor or a salt and vinegar solution for effective carpet cleaning. Another pro tip for cleaning a carpet is to apply a dab of shaving cream on it, which is effective in removing different types of stains. Blot stains on the carpet A common mistake while cleaning carpets is to rub on stains after pouring a solution. The right way to remove these stains is to blot them using a paper towel, sponge, or even a clean piece of cloth. Use ice cubes Hard, sticky substances like gum can be difficult to clean from carpets.