4 easy hacks to cope with a heavy flow

Heavy periods are called menorrhagia in medical terms. Many menstruators often experience heavy periods in certain months of their menstruation cycle. It is quite normal to have heavy flow once in a while. Despite being infrequent, heavy flow can cause discomfort and inconvenience. It can disrupt carrying on routine everyday activities. However, there are ways to deal with heavy periods. Here are a few simple hacks to cope with a heavy flow. Keep sanitary products everywhere One of the ways to make it easier to cope with a heavy flow is stocking up on sanitary products. Ensure to buy the bigger sizes so that there is never any chance of running out. From sanitary napkins to tampons and menstrual cups, make sure there is enough backup for everything. Keep these in all the handbags that are used on a regular and not-so-regular basis. Ensure to keep extra supplies in the drawers at home and work, the bathroom, the bedroom, and every single bag. Wear period underwear Period underwears are an essential element that many are not aware of when it comes to dealing with a heavy flow of the menstruation cycle. Period underwear can come in handy for those struggling to wear extra-large menstruation pads.