6 useful home remedies to relieve atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, also called eczema, is a prevalent skin disorder that leads to itchy rashes. It also causes one’s skin to look chapped and take on a red, brown, gray, or purple shade. While creams and ointments help manage the symptoms in most cases, individuals can also try a few home remedies after consulting an expert. The following remedies may help soothe itchy, dry skin and ease the rashes and redness. Sunflower oil Sunflower oil, extracted from sunflower seeds, guards the skin’s outer layer by locking in moisture and keeping bacteria away. It also hydrates the skin, relieving inflammation and itching. One can apply sunflower oil undiluted directly onto the skin, preferably after a bath when the skin is still damp. Honey Honey’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable home remedy for several skin disorders, including atopic dermatitis. Honey hydrates the skin and helps heal wounds by forming a protective barrier around them. Its organic acid content also helps with gentle exfoliation. Witch hazel The witch hazel shrub has been employed as a topical remedy for years. The compounds in its leaves and bark help with skin inflammation. One can apply witch hazel to soothe inflamed skin and dry oozing areas.