5 uncomfortable truths about eczema

5 uncomfortable truths about eczema
Eczema is a health condition in which the skin gets extremely dry, leading to itchy patches. A disciplined lifestyle can help manage the symptoms, but since this is a chronic disease, it can get increasingly uncomfortable and overwhelming. Therefore, loved ones should provide those with eczema a safe space to share their troubles and educate others on the subject. Here are some facts about eczema to create more awareness and empathy. Eczema is not “just a rash” Unlike what most people falsely assume, eczema is more than just a rash. It is a chronic condition that needs extreme care and attention to be managed on a daily basis. This involves staying away from environmental triggers, soaps, shampoos, and any product that may lead to unprecedented flare-ups. Even food choices need a lot of screening. Itchy skin can cause insomnia Eczema flare-ups can also occur during the night. When that happens, it gets incredibly uncomfortable for patients to sleep due to itchy skin. This sleep disruption affects anywhere between 33% to 87.1% of adults and close to 83% of children with the condition. A lack of sleep, in turn, causes other complications like stress and irritability. Poor hygiene is not the cause Eczema is an auto-immune disease and does not occur due to poor hygiene.

Avoid these 4 mistakes while buying pet insurance

Avoid these 4 mistakes while buying pet insurance
Pets become an inseparable part of the family. This is why, many pet parents immediately seek insurance when they take over the responsibility of their new companion. Pet insurance is an ideal tool to recoup healthcare expenses incurred on the pet’s welfare. However, buying any insurance is a difficult task, so making mistakes is not uncommon during the process. Here are some of the mistakes one can avoid while buying pet insurance: Choosing the policy with the lowest premium While buying any type of insurance policy, one must know the age-old adage— the lowest premium does not equate to the best value. If buyers dither over the premium amount while purchasing policies and choose the cheapest one available, there are chances that the one they have purchased does not provide adequate coverage. Inevitably, this means that once this coverage is exhausted over, say, a treatment for the pet, owners will have to shell out the remaining healthcare fees separately. To avoid burning a hole in one’s pocket, pet owners must buy the policy with the best coverage, not the cheapest one available on the market. Buying insurance too late Several pet owners tend to purchase a policy after their loved one has a health problem.

Top 5 foods to avoid before flying

Top 5 foods to avoid before flying
Before leaving for a long flight, one should have a good meal, especially if not a fan of plane meals. However, instead of fast foods, one should choose nutrient-rich foods that do not cause any uneasiness while in the air. Further, avoiding certain foods can help keep health concerns and discomfort at bay, including gas in the stomach triggered by the low air pressure in the cabin, nausea, and bloating. Foods to avoid Brocolli Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower offer various health benefits; however, these veggies can also make one feel gassy. Moreover, research by the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders suggests that these green vegetables are packed with fiber and gas-forming sugar known as raffinose, which can cause discomfort during air travel. Apples Fresh fruits such as apples are considered to be extremely nutritious and healthy. However, apples are rich in insoluble fiber, which can make them difficult to digest. This can lead to discomfort in the form of gas and bloating. So, one should avoid the fruit before flying and should choose alternatives such as oranges and bananas to ease the digestion process. Chips Chips are rich in salt content, making them one of the top foods to avoid before flying.

5 harmful effects of smartphones

5 harmful effects of smartphones
Using a smartphone has multiple benefits, including enjoying content, playing games, and carrying out financial transactions. The device is also useful for work-based tasks, such as answering calls and sending texts and emails in seconds. But on the flip side, using a smart device may have several adverse effects on our health, such as affecting our sleep and eye health. Here are five such complications that may occur due to excessive smartphone use. Circadian rhythm instability Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. The natural processes respond to light and dark. For example, a normal circadian rhythm involves staying awake during the day and sleeping at night. However, when we use a smartphone at night, our eyes are exposed to blue light emitted from the screen. Such light could affect the internal body clock and disrupt an individual’s circadian rhythm. Difficulty sleeping Studies have shown that exposure to blue light could suppress melatonin and affect one’s sleep-wake cycle. And this could result in insomnia, irritability, and tiredness during the day. Even viewing something entertaining on a smartphone before going to bed could trigger a response that prevents one from falling asleep. The use of the device may also delay REM sleep.

6 symptoms of esophageal cancer to pay attention to

6 symptoms of esophageal cancer to pay attention to
Esophageal cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the esophagus. The mutation usually begins in the cells that line the inside of the esophagus and could develop anywhere in this tube. Various treatments and natural remedies could help in managing the condition. However, one must visit a healthcare professional to diagnose cancer early and ensure the best treatment results. Understanding the warning signs of the condition is essential for early diagnosis and management. Trouble swallowing Sometimes people may have dysphagia, which is trouble with swallowing. And these symptoms may often be misdiagnosed as other health conditions, such as eosinophilic esophagitis – an inflammation of the esophagus caused by a specific white blood cell. However, difficulty with swallowing might also occur due to the growth of cancer cells in the esophagus. The trouble might be mild at first but worsen as cancer grows and the opening inside the esophagus gets smaller. Pain in the chest Pain or discomfort in the middle region or a burning, pressurized-like sensation on the chest is often associated with conditions like heartburn. But discomfort in the chest may also be a symptom of the development of esophageal cancer. Therefore, someone who experiences this sign should get an expert’s opinion immediately.

4 questions one should ask a gastroenterologist

4 questions one should ask a gastroenterologist
Gastroenterologists are physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating digestive tract disorders. This can include problems ranging from the passage of gas, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome to even colon cancer, and more. While asking them certain questions can be embarrassing, one must not shy away from them. Instead, one must enquire about the issues to receive more information. Keep reading to know more about these questions and why they must be asked. Is passing a lot of gas an issue? Usually, one may release gas in the form of burps or even farts, but most people do not know that this gas forms due to many reasons. While the passage of gas is completely natural, sometimes when it builds up, it can lead to bloating and abdominal pain. This often occurs when the patient regularly eats fatty foods, has an increased level of stress, eats too quickly, or has irritable bowel syndrome. In such cases, gastroenterologists may provide a diagnosis of the underlying issue and develop a treatment plan. How do I know if my stool is normal? Typically, stool can be of different colors, shapes, and sizes. It must be log-like and have cracks on its surface.


Top 4 Dyson vacuum cleaners of 2021

Top 4 Dyson vacuum cleaners of 2021

Dyson is a brand that has developed and launched several cordless vacuum cleaners significantly better than its competitors. But because there are so many different models from the renowned brand, it becomes challenging to pick the right one. So we’ve put together a list of four top-of-the-line, cordless vacuums from Dyson available on Amazon to help narrow down on one that best suits your needs. Dyson V15 Detect The Dyson V15 Detect is equipped with unbelievable suction power, run time, and other features to deep clean an entire home. It also comes with a laser that can reveal microscopic dust particles. One of Dyson’s latest cordless vacuum cleaners, the V15 Detect, sports an LCD screen that displays proof of the deep clean. You can find this product for $899.99 today. Dyson V11 Torque Drive While it is a predecessor to the Dyson V15, Dyson V11 Torque Drive was the earlier champion of Dyson’s range of cordless vacuum cleaners. At $757.95, the V11 can automatically adapt power and run times based on the structure of your home. It also offers 5 Dyson engineered tools to help with cleaning the house and even the car. The Dyson V11 Torque Drive features include its ability to pick up pet hair, which is an amazing positive if you have a pet at home.
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Top 5 lipsticks of 2021

Top 5 lipsticks of 2021

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a makeup queen or one that wears only the bare minimum, you can never leave out lipsticks. In fact, most of us always carry our favorite lipstick wherever we go. Nonetheless, if you haven’t found “the one” or are looking for different shades, here are the five best lipsticks you need to check out. Charlotte Tilbury K.i.s.s.i.n.g. Lipstick This product is all you need for luminous, bold, and perfect lips. Its wax formula makes the lipstick glide on your lips while keeping them hydrated. It is infused with natural ingredients that help fight UV damage and oxidative stress, leaving your lips supple and soft. Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick With its unique arrow-shaped applicator, applying lipstick becomes almost effortless. It lasts for up to 16 hours and is available in over 35 amazing colors. This bold matte lipstick can be removed seamlessly using Maybelline’s SuperStay Eraser lipstick remover. It is available in various online and offline stores for only $9.49. L’Oréal Paris Colour Riche Satin Lipstick This $6 lipstick is surprisingly one of the best ones out of the lot. It is affordable and comes in over 52 fabulous shades across four color families – red, berry, pink and nude.
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