3 mistakes to avoid while pumping breast milk

Breastfeeding is a unique process that new mothers have to learn. No two feeding experiences are alike, so one has to figure out what works for them. This can help one cherish this phase of nurturing a newborn. Additionally, one may have to pump and store breast milk for times when they may not be able to breastfeed. There can be some hiccups along the way, so here are common breast-pumping mistakes to avoid: Using the wrong shield size The breast shield comes in different sizes to suit different women. The standard size is 24mm; however, this may not fit everyone, so one may have to check and re-order a shield in the right size. Pumping with the wrong size shield can lead to pain in the nipples, reduced output, and also nipple damage. So one should find the best shield size for them. Stopping too soon This is a common mistake one can make. When pumping breast milk, one may begin to notice that the milk dribbles out. After a few seconds, the milk can start to spray out from the milk ducts. This is called a letdown reflex, which a lot of mothers describe being a pins and needles sensation.