Implications of opting out of vaccination

Immunization can be an important part of health, especially in our globalizing world, where one is exposed to many risks in the form of infections. Records for these risks are maintained by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and according to them vaccinations can help protect one from many of these diseases. Delaying or not choosing to vaccinate or be vaccinated could have some health and social implications. Here are the most common ones: Pregnancy complications Unvaccinated pregnant women may be at a higher risk of contracting infections or diseases and passing them on to their child. For instance, a woman who contracts rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy is at risk of transmitting congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) to her baby. CRS can cause heart defects, developmental delays, and even deafness. Potential risk to others Those who choose not to get vaccinated or not vaccinate their children against vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) also pose a health risk to others, especially those with compromised immune systems from cancer or auto-immune diseases. Social isolation Skipping vaccinations, especially for children, can also result in social exclusion. If an unvaccinated child is sick or dealing with a disease, they may need to be isolated from others and sometimes even the family.