5 ways to use smartwatches

Smartwatches are overshadowing regular watches for good reason. These gadgets have significantly evolved in the last few years and serve as digital assistants on our wrists. Not only do they help us keep up with calls and texts, but they have also made work efficient by making it easier to take notes throughout the day. If you have a smartwatch or are planning to get one, here are 5 smart ways to use these gadgets: As a task manager Smartwatches have eliminated the need to physically cross something off your daily tasks on paper (and on your phones). With apps like Todoist or Any.do, you can check your daily to-do list or pull up essential meeting notes on your wrist. Apple watches offer iPhone business apps with task management capabilities to help you organize your day. Android watches offer similar applications to seamlessly sync your smartwatch with your phone and manage your tasks for the day. Another great application to use to organize your day, regardless of your watch’s ecosystem, is the Google Calendar. As a health data monitor Smartwatches can offer personalized healthcare data and provide insights into our well-being. With sleep and food tracking, physical activity, heart rate monitoring, and other details, smartwatches have become great tools to monitor your overall health and can also help physicians look at your daily activity.