A brief overview of asthma inhalers

Asthma inhalers help manage asthma symptoms, and choosing the right one is imperative. These medical devices convert the liquid prescription into a fine mist that must be inhaled into the lungs. One must learn how to use inhalers effectively for quick relief and to help manage asthma efficiently. Training from a doctor or health care provider to learn how to use the device correctly is recommended. Read on to learn about the types and benefits of asthma inhalers. Types of asthma inhalers Broadly, there are three types of asthma inhalers . These include: Metered-dose inhalers Often referred to as puffers, the metered-dose inhalers contain the prescription treatment in a handheld container with a mouthpiece. Upon pressing the canister, a propellant (that enables the prescription to come out of the canister) helps send a treatment puff out of the mouthpiece. Following the instructions, the patient must inhale this puff through the mouth to allow the prescription treatment to reach the lungs. These inhalers deliver one dose per puff from a canister containing multiple doses Dry powder inhalers These asthma inhalers store the prescription treatment in powder form inside the containers or capsules that one activates when one uses the inhaler. Unlike metered-dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers have no propellant pushing the treatment dosage out.