Foods that must be avoided to fight multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a health condition that primarily impacts a person’s central nervous system. Initially, it may appear that foods hardly play any significant role in worsening the condition or activating the symptoms. However, only after some trial and error do people diagnosed with MS realize that certain foods are prone to trigger their symptoms. Foods to avoid for managing Multiple Sclerosis Even though no recommended nutritional regime is exclusively devoted to MS, health professionals usually advise consuming whole foods under such conditions. Besides that, certain food items are to be avoided so that the patients can do away with the perils of the symptoms. Here is a list of foods patients with MS must give up to ease the symptoms. Saturated Fats Saturated Fats primarily come from full-fat dairy products and foods containing coconut or palm oil. They are related to inflammation due to their tendency to increase LDL or bad cholesterol. A rise in bad cholesterol, in turn, increases the chances of atherosclerosis, which can lead to strokes or cardiac arrests. Trans Fats Patients with Multiple sclerosis are also recommended to avoid trans fats found in crackers, pies, backed cookies, or packaged food items. The reason is the inflammatory properties inherent in trans fats.