Key management tips to get rid of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids refer to the swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus region of the body and are also known as piles. Depending on where they develop, they can be classified into internal and external. Various treatment options are available to help get rid of them, including home remedies, minimally invasive procedures, and lifestyle changes that can help manage the condition. Here are some of the treatment options that one can explore.
Home remedies and lifestyle changes
- High-fiber food: Foods with high fiber content soften the stool and help increase its bulk. This means the bowel movement is easy and does not cause strain.
- Topical treatments: Some doctors recommend using a hemorrhoid cream, which has numbing properties.
- Soak in warm water: Soaking the anal area in warm water a couple of times a day is recommended. Soak for 10-15 minutes to help relieve discomfort, and repeat as necessary. A sitz bath that fits over the toilet is available.
Minimally invasive procedures
- Rubber band ligation: In this procedure, the doctor may use a rubber band at the base of the internal hemorrhoid, which cuts off the blood flow to the area. After a couple of weeks, the hemorrhoid falls off by itself.
- Coagulation: This technique uses laser or infrared light or heat to help shrink the hemorrhoids. This method can cause discomfort and side effects, so speak to the doctor to discuss thoroughly.
Surgical procedure
There are very few percentage of people who need a surgical procedure to get rid of hemorrhoids. Some of the procedures include:
- Hemorrhoidectomy: In this method, the surgeon will remove the extra tissues which cause the bleeding in this condition. Local anesthesia is used to do this surgery, and it is a safe and effective procedure.
- Hemorrhoid stapling: This is also known as stapled hemorrhoidopexy and is used to treat internal hemorrhoids. This procedure stops blood flow to the hemorrhoidal tissue, which is typically less painful than a hemorrhoidectomy.