Foods to avoid for managing schizophrenia

Foods to avoid for managing schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that affects how one feels, thinks, and behaves. Patients experience a drop in concentration levels, reduce social interactions, and may even have hallucinations. Thankfully, several treatment options help control the symptoms and improve a patient’s quality of life. However, those with schizophrenia must also follow a healthy nutrition plan and choose foods wisely. Here are a few foods to avoid with this mental health condition.

Foods containing gluten
Studies have shown a link between gluten consumption and schizophrenia. Those who have celiac disease (gluten sensitivity) in their childhood have a greater risk of developing this mental condition. And those who already have the disorder might experience an aggravation of symptoms after eating gluten-based foods. They may also suffer from poor absorption of iron and gut issues. So, it is best to keep this ingredient out of the menu by avoiding foods like bulgur wheat, bread, pasta, cereals, cakes, cookies, and crackers. The symptoms of schizophrenia are said to reduce when these are eliminated from the meal plan. Patients with gut and gastrointestinal problems also show signs of improvement.

Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are commonly used in soft drinks, candy, and canned foods. Since it is an alternative to sugar, many people use it to maintain good health. But while these sweeteners are considered low in sugar, they are problematic for those with mental disorders. They can lead to headaches, seizures, anxiety, depression, learning problems, and worsen other symptoms. Therefore, patients must read food labels to determine the presence of sweeteners and choose foods accordingly.

Foods with MSG
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a sodium salt obtained from glutamic acid. Although the FDA has classified it as a safe ingredient, it is a type of neurotoxin that has been linked to adverse effects on cognitive functioning. It is known to over-stimulate neuron receptors, making them more active than usual. When this process is prolonged, it can weaken the neurons, leading to their destruction. This changes the levels of chemical activities in the brain, resulting in temper outbursts, panic attacks, confusion, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. Since such symptoms are also usually associated with schizophrenia, patients must steer clear of MSG by avoiding potato chips, seasoning, sauces, frozen foods, and processed meats. These can affect the brain and worsen the disorder.

Refined carbohydrates
Who does not like pastries, pasta, and crackers? These are the go-to foods for many people to satisfy their taste buds. However, they are sources of refined carbohydrates that are not just linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiac conditions but also cognitive problems. Carbs lead to a rise and fall in insulin levels, which can worsen schizophrenia symptoms. People with mental health issues tend to crave carbohydrates, making it hard to avoid items like pasta. But such foods must be kept away as far as possible.

Fruits and vegetables with pesticides
While fruits and vegetables are critical to good health, one must purchase them from trustworthy sources. Farm-grown foods can be laden with pesticides, which increase the chances of developing cognitive problems over time. It may lead to anxiety, agitation, and nausea, which are also symptoms of schizophrenia. Other complications include memory impairment and difficulties in concentration. While most conventionally-grown fruits and veggies may have high pesticide content, certain items are low in pesticides. These include avocado, cabbage, pineapple, papaya, frozen sweet peas, and mangoes.

Eliminating these foods from the nutrition plan helps control the symptoms of mental disorders and also improves overall health. Further, it helps reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, the risk of which is particularly high in people with schizophrenia.


Top 4 Dyson vacuum cleaners of 2021

Top 4 Dyson vacuum cleaners of 2021

Dyson is a brand that has developed and launched several cordless vacuum cleaners significantly better than its competitors. But because there are so many different models from the renowned brand, it becomes challenging to pick the right one. So we’ve put together a list of four top-of-the-line, cordless vacuums from Dyson available on Amazon to help narrow down on one that best suits your needs. Dyson V15 Detect The Dyson V15 Detect is equipped with unbelievable suction power, run time, and other features to deep clean an entire home. It also comes with a laser that can reveal microscopic dust particles. One of Dyson’s latest cordless vacuum cleaners, the V15 Detect, sports an LCD screen that displays proof of the deep clean. You can find this product for $899.99 today. Dyson V11 Torque Drive While it is a predecessor to the Dyson V15, Dyson V11 Torque Drive was the earlier champion of Dyson’s range of cordless vacuum cleaners. At $757.95, the V11 can automatically adapt power and run times based on the structure of your home. It also offers 5 Dyson engineered tools to help with cleaning the house and even the car. The Dyson V11 Torque Drive features include its ability to pick up pet hair, which is an amazing positive if you have a pet at home.
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Top 5 lipsticks of 2021

Top 5 lipsticks of 2021

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a makeup queen or one that wears only the bare minimum, you can never leave out lipsticks. In fact, most of us always carry our favorite lipstick wherever we go. Nonetheless, if you haven’t found “the one” or are looking for different shades, here are the five best lipsticks you need to check out. Charlotte Tilbury K.i.s.s.i.n.g. Lipstick This product is all you need for luminous, bold, and perfect lips. Its wax formula makes the lipstick glide on your lips while keeping them hydrated. It is infused with natural ingredients that help fight UV damage and oxidative stress, leaving your lips supple and soft. Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick With its unique arrow-shaped applicator, applying lipstick becomes almost effortless. It lasts for up to 16 hours and is available in over 35 amazing colors. This bold matte lipstick can be removed seamlessly using Maybelline’s SuperStay Eraser lipstick remover. It is available in various online and offline stores for only $9.49. L’Oréal Paris Colour Riche Satin Lipstick This $6 lipstick is surprisingly one of the best ones out of the lot. It is affordable and comes in over 52 fabulous shades across four color families – red, berry, pink and nude.
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