7 foods that help reduce the risk of cancer

7 foods that help reduce the risk of cancer

In a world where most ready-to-eat meals contain excess fats and calories, finding a balance becomes necessary. The food one consumes helps maintain overall health, reduces the risk of a disease, and hastens the recovery process. This is particularly true in the case of cancer. While no food can cure cancer, intake of certain vegetables, such as the ones given below, may reduce its risk. This article additionally touches upon options for cancer treatment.

7 Foods That Help Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Berries like blackberries, mulberries, strawberries, and blueberries are rich sources of vitamin C, folate, potassium, and manganese. They also contain a high amount of antioxidants, including ellagic acid, gallic acid, and chlorogenic acid, and have anti-cancer properties.

Garlic is a vegetable that contains an active compound called allicin. One study concluded that people who ate a large number of allicin-rich vegetables such as garlic, onions, leeks, and shallots had a lower risk of stomach cancer.

According to some experts, this fruit is a cancer-fighting superfood. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant phytochemical that keeps away heart diseases. They are, additionally, a rich source of vitamin A, C, and E, all nutrients that help reduce the risk of cancer.

Grapes and other citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and oranges decrease the risk of cancer, especially of the digestive and upper respiratory tract. They are also known to reduce the risk of pancreatic and stomach cancer.

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are known for having potent anti-cancer properties. They contain glucosinolates, which produce protective enzymes when they pass through the digestive system. These enzymes help the body to detoxify harmful chemicals that could lower cancer risk.

Each slice of an apple contains a high amount of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. These are beneficial in cancer and its recovery. Apples also contain potassium, which helps prevent fluid retention, a common side effect of chemotherapy.

Carrots are full of vitamin A, vitamin K, and calcium. They are a good source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that shields cell membranes from toxin damage. Plus, carrots are believed to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Treatment Options for Cancer
Several studies are ongoing to find the right treatment for every type of cancer. Ibrutinib is one such medicine that is used to treat mantle cell lymphoma, marginal zone lymphoma, Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and small lymphocytic lymphoma. It works by blocking the growth of abnormal protein that leads to the multiplication of cancer cells.

Flax seeds are believed to contain potent cancer-fighting compounds like alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), lignans, and phytoestrogens. Studies indicate these compounds improve survival rates among some patients by stopping certain tumors from spreading and causing cell damage. The ALA also helps counter inflammation linked to the progression of many cancers.

Also, cancer screenings are a crucial part of the treatment to manage the progression of the disease. Doctors generally suggest sensitive screening tests like a colonoscopy for colon cancer. A colonoscopy provides a complete view of the rectum allowing proctologists and oncologists to identify the extent of the spread depending on the cancer stage. Alternatively, for breast cancer, doctors suggest BRCA gene testing analysis to identify any harmful changes in mutations linked to the progression of breast cancer.

Xofigo® is an injectable treatment option for prostate cancer patients. It is used for patients in advanced stages of the condition and those who fail to respond positively to traditional treatment options like surgery or hormonal treatment. Xofigo® radium 223 cancer treatment works because of the radioactive compound radium 223, which plays the role of a radiotherapeutic agent that destroys cancer cells. It can only be used when cancer has spread to the bones of the patient and nowhere else. A healthcare professional can administer the injection, and it is generally injected once every four weeks in six doses.

Another cancer treatment method is the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy. It is a method wherein the immune cells are genetically modified in a lab so they can attack the cancer cells.

Carfilzomib is another medicine used to reduce or completely stop the growth of cancer cells. It is used for treating patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Carfilzomib can be used alone or in a combination with daratumumab and dexamethasone; lenalidomide and dexamethasone; or only with dexamethasone. It is available in powder form that is to be mixed with liquid and injected intravenously. It is typically administered over a period of 10 to 30 minutes. This medication may be given for two consecutive days every week for a period of three weeks, or it can be administered once a week over a period of three weeks.

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that develops in plasma cells—white blood cells that fight infections by making antibodies. While the condition has no cure, a novel course called B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) is receiving attention. BCMA is a protein that promotes B-cell survival, which helps inhibit cancerous growth. Doctors are in the process of developing therapies and treatments to target the BCMA protein for managing multiple myeloma.

Fostamatinib, a spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitor, manages chronic immune thrombocytopenia. It is being investigated for Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) as well. It is currently sold under brand name Tavalisse® and works by increasing blood platelets. This inhibitor is given after other treatments have failed. Patients should take Tavalisse® as prescribed by the doctor. Potential side effects include high blood pressure, liver problems, diarrhea, and infections.

It is believed that messenger RNA, or mRNA, could be the next frontier as a more effective cancer therapy. mRNA carries specific signals to the cells, specifically dendritic cells, that instruct them into producing proteins and strengthening the immune system to kill the invading host cells, such as cancer cells. Numerous clinical trials have been carried out to treat pancreatic, colorectal, and melanoma cancer through this form of immunotherapy.

The human body naturally produces antibodies to fight off disease-causing organisms. Monoclonal antibodies are biological antibodies that are prepared in labs and often used as a targeted therapy for cancer patients. They are marked to target specific cells in the body, minimizing harm to healthy cells. These lab-produced monoclonal antibodies mimic the immune system’s response to unwanted cells and destroy them by blocking their growth, destroying cell membranes, flagging cancer cells, and attacking them.

XTANDI (enzalutamide) is a recommended novel hormone therapy for prostate cancer. It is used for treating three types of advanced prostate cancer: metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC), non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC), and metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). XTANDI is an FDA-approved treatment option and is used orally once daily in either four 40 mg or two 80 mg dosages. It can be had with or without food.

Genetic testing can be used to ascertain cancer presence if one is genetically predisposed to the condition or has undergone cancer treatment at a younger age. It helps assess the gene mutation in the body. A healthcare expert tests an individual’s DNA by collecting cells at a clinic or from the individual’s home. The sample helps identify the signs of cancer development and draw an adequate treatment plan.


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Dyson is a brand that has developed and launched several cordless vacuum cleaners significantly better than its competitors. But because there are so many different models from the renowned brand, it becomes challenging to pick the right one. So we’ve put together a list of four top-of-the-line, cordless vacuums from Dyson available on Amazon to help narrow down on one that best suits your needs. Dyson V15 Detect The Dyson V15 Detect is equipped with unbelievable suction power, run time, and other features to deep clean an entire home. It also comes with a laser that can reveal microscopic dust particles. One of Dyson’s latest cordless vacuum cleaners, the V15 Detect, sports an LCD screen that displays proof of the deep clean. You can find this product for $899.99 today. Dyson V11 Torque Drive While it is a predecessor to the Dyson V15, Dyson V11 Torque Drive was the earlier champion of Dyson’s range of cordless vacuum cleaners. At $757.95, the V11 can automatically adapt power and run times based on the structure of your home. It also offers 5 Dyson engineered tools to help with cleaning the house and even the car. The Dyson V11 Torque Drive features include its ability to pick up pet hair, which is an amazing positive if you have a pet at home.
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It doesn’t matter whether you’re a makeup queen or one that wears only the bare minimum, you can never leave out lipsticks. In fact, most of us always carry our favorite lipstick wherever we go. Nonetheless, if you haven’t found “the one” or are looking for different shades, here are the five best lipsticks you need to check out. Charlotte Tilbury K.i.s.s.i.n.g. Lipstick This product is all you need for luminous, bold, and perfect lips. Its wax formula makes the lipstick glide on your lips while keeping them hydrated. It is infused with natural ingredients that help fight UV damage and oxidative stress, leaving your lips supple and soft. Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick With its unique arrow-shaped applicator, applying lipstick becomes almost effortless. It lasts for up to 16 hours and is available in over 35 amazing colors. This bold matte lipstick can be removed seamlessly using Maybelline’s SuperStay Eraser lipstick remover. It is available in various online and offline stores for only $9.49. L’Oréal Paris Colour Riche Satin Lipstick This $6 lipstick is surprisingly one of the best ones out of the lot. It is affordable and comes in over 52 fabulous shades across four color families – red, berry, pink and nude.
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