6 common causes of constipation

Constipation is a common digestive condition that can impact people of all ages. It is the inability of an individual to pass stools regularly. It can also be described as unsatisfactory emptying of the bowels. Constipation causes unusually hard or lumpy stools and its severity will differ depending on the cause. Some might experience constipation for a short period. However, for chronic constipation, proper treatment is essential. Here are some common causes of constipation.
Limited fiber intake
Low intake of fiber is among the leading causes of constipation, especially if one’s food is high in fats. The presence of fiber in the body helps bulk up the stool and makes it softer. It also means higher absorption of water. Increasing fiber intake in the form of fruits and vegetables can help one manage constipation.
Inactive lifestyle
Leading an inactive life can be another major contributing factor to constipation. People with low levels of physical activity or those who do not get enough exercise or movement throughout the day are at a higher risk of developing this digestive trouble. The connection between exercise and constipation is yet to be determined. However, it is believed that exercising can help in the smooth passage of stools from the colon.
Change in routine
Some individuals might complain of constipation when they are traveling. It can disrupt the person’s routine and food, impacting their bowel movements.
Aging can be another factor that can affect one’s ability to poop. The change in muscle tone and the muscle activity of the intestine can cause constipation.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Patients who suffer from IBS are highly likely to suffer from constipation. They have to strain during bowel movements or experience sluggish motions. And it is likely to be accompanied by abdominal discomfort. In some patients, constipation may be alternatively present with diarrhea. Other abdominal symptoms include gas, cramping, and bloating.
Ingredients in certain treatments
Many prescribed treatment options have constipation as a noted side effect. The treatment options can be varied. Some of the ingredients found to impact the stool-passing ability of patients include iron and aluminum. However, these treatment options might be necessary for some individuals, and consulting the doctor can help find a solution to manage constipation.