4 liver damage signs that can indicate cancer

Liver cancer is a health condition characterized by the aggressive and uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the liver. Like other cancers, this type exhibits certain typical symptoms throughout its various stages of progression. However, many of these symptoms are also common to liver damage, making it difficult to determine whether an individual is suffering from liver damage or liver cancer. Here are some of the most common symptoms shared by both of these conditions:
Abdominal swelling
When an individual is diagnosed with liver cancer, their liver is subjected to an excessive amount of pressure, which leads to the obstruction of blood flow in veins and other vessels. As a result, the various liver fluids are forced into the person’s abdomen. Over a period of time, this condition inevitably causes abdominal swelling.
Nausea or vomiting
Liver tumors can produce hormones that affect the functioning of other organs in the body. The hormones can lead to problems like spiked calcium levels in the blood. This condition, known as hypercalcemia, can lead to a range of health issues, such as nausea, muscle weakness, constipation, fatigue, and confusion. It is important to note that nausea and vomiting are common symptoms that can be associated with various health conditions.
Loss of body mass
Unexplained loss of body mass is a direct result of tumor growth within a person’s liver. People with malignancies tend to lose their appetite with time. As a result, it is common for the affected individuals to eventually eat less over time. This often leads to a significant loss of mass as they undergo treatments and therapies to treat the disease.
Chronic fatigue
The development of tumors in any part of the body can adversely affect the proper blood circulation that supplies nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Due to this blockage, critical organs like the brain and lungs receive progressively less fresh oxygen and nourishment over time. Therefore, people with liver cancer experience a constant feeling of exhaustion, even after performing simple tasks like walking short distances or climbing a flight of stairs.
Liver damage can also lead to stools being light or white in color. This happens because a poorly functioning liver is unable to produce and release bile into the large intestine during digestion, which can cause stools to lose their normal brown color. This can also be an early warning sign of liver cancer . Liver damage or liver cancer caused due to certain conditions like HCV can lead to symptoms like dark urine and fever.
Besides, other common symptoms may include itchy skin and abdominal pain.